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The highlight of Lock down for us was receiving videos and stories on how our members had adapted to their newfound situation and were working hard at their home-based therapy programs, being supported by the whole family. Having Dad around for many being a real bonus! There were some significant positive outcomes for many of our families. 

Lock down work outs

Stephanie and her family have embraced these uncertain times to help Amaria with her program. Here are some pics of Amaria working hard in lockdown (and of course getting kisses from her daddy who is enjoying spending more time with his girls).


“I would just like to say how grateful we are to be doing a home programme at times like this. Amaria is still getting a good daily workout and it is one aspect of her life that we can still maintain a routine (since we can’t access external therapies). Thank you for helping to equip us with the tools to do home therapy”.

– Stephanie Emery

Online consultation experience during lockdown

Today we had the pleasure of having our 6 month review with our therapist Chad from Timmermans Clinic, this time we did it via zoom (this is normally done in person). To be really honest, I didn’t expect much from it as certain things just needs to be done in person right?

Boy was I wrong, we had an amazing full two hours which I found so helpful and after our session, I’m feeling so pumped.


Chad watched me do my current program, he observes then goes on to critique later where we need to improve or add on. He took notes while doing so and later shared his thoughts and ideas for improvements and adjustments on what’s best for Emma right now. 

Funding fot NDTP

The best part was seeing him genuinely surprised and just as excited to see how far she’s come in the last 6 months, he was so proud of her and me. I felt like this session was the boost and inspiration I needed as therapy can become a bit mundane some days. 

We talked through any concerns I had, he passed on more knowledge about the brain and how Emma’s development is helping towards her growth in all areas. I always find chatting about the brain with him so interesting, feels like it gives me a better insight to my child and where she is at the moment. 

We have been sent our new altered program already, I’m excited about getting stuck in tomorrow.

A massive shout out to the Brain injured children trust for funding these sessions and for finding a way for us to continue up skilling our kids during lockdown. 

For anyone else who is two minded about doing these online sessions, I would highly recommend getting behind this initiative. Perfect time to ask Chad any burning questions. He is there to help. We can’t let Covid-19 get in the way of our kids progress. 

Thank you so much to everyone at BICT. 


Thank you to the Bloxham Family for sharing their Online consultation experience during lockdown. If you would like to arrange an online consultation please contact your provider and apply through the website as normal.

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