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Members Stories


1. What has the Trust funded for your child?

The Trust paid for my son to see Ian Hunter for an initial assessment, and for further visits to develop and progress his therapy under the NDT programme.

2. How has this helped your child?

It gave us all an ‘alternative’ view of Rory’s situation, and a platform to build on. The tasks were different, and fun. They challenged Rory and helped him progress physically.

3. How has the Neuro development Therapy helped your child?

Re-establishing a foundation for Rory helped him recover more quickly and thoroughly. We focused on activities which required co-ordinated use of the left and right side of his brain, and his body; commando crawling, normal crawling, walking, cycling (on a trike), and playing then swimming in the pool. Rory has come ahead in leaps and bounds. This year he completed the Weetbix Triathlon on his own on a two-wheel bike. It was incredible.

4. How has all of the above helped your family as a whole?

The funding provided by the Trust allowed Rory to participate in the NDT programme. We were not in a position to pay for it ourselves as he had just completed nine months of treatment at Starship Hospital, during which time we struggled financially. We are very grateful for this help, and Rory’s participation in the programme made us feel we were doing everything possible to help him in his recovery.